My Story, past & present
My yoga asana practice began when I was 16 and attended my very first vinyasa yoga class in San Francisco, California near to where I was born and raised. I loved it from that day forward and it has always played a part of my life. For me, yoga has since evolved from a physical feel good practice to a deeper understanding of how to act in this life and to offer help to others whenever I can.
My personal philosophy
I believe it’s all of our duties in this lifetime to actively help, share and offer ourselves to one another. By acting through a kind, compassionate, playful and honest spirit, we give ourselves to the world and serve Mother Earth to our full capacity. This to me is the deeper meaning of yoga.
I live in North Holland with my very loving husband Aidan and 3 sons: Sonny, Felix, and Cillian. I’m always working towards raising boys who hold a high level of conscientiousness for our ever giving planet, and think of them as teachers to me as well as teachers to their peers. After that, we can only hope for the best!
My approach to teaching
As a yoga teacher, my aim is to guide students into a space where they feel safe, nurtured and supported and where they can explore new ideas with a playful attitude. Through my open, kind and calm manner, I hope to foster an environment where students familiarise themselves with their old habitual patterning and not only understand it, but also explore it. This is where students can begin to create transformational changes for themselves. I hope to facilitate and nurture this process with yoga. What is potentially manifested through this individual experience is an understanding of a boundless connection with all creation.
I draw from the boundless generosity of my teachers and peers: Judy Cameron, Joey Miles, Tara Lee, Gillian Evans, Bill Mahoney, Jason Crandell, Richard Rohr, Michel Odent, Stephanie Strange, Nikki Slade, and Rebecca Parker and am inspired to pay these generous teachings forward to those who I encounter every day.
For enquiries on classes or booking private sessions, please get in touch.
Amy Eastwood
Advanced Yoga Instructor | YA & BWY Certification